Tapping into Peace

Alternative Healing For Your Life

What is EFT or Tapping?

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) or "Tapping" creates permanent changes on what are often considered unresolvable issues.

EFT/Tapping is a gentle tapping technique that resolves negative feelings, thoughts and emotions, cravings, and emotional and physical pain . It is sometimes referred to as emotional acupuncture, because by tapping on specific acupuncture points on the body, the energy pattern behind a problem can be released. In EFT/Tapping, it is not relevant how long ago something happened or how big or small of a problem it is in your life. With the correct EFT protocol, the troubling aspects in your life will permanently disappear.

We all have had events in our past that still affecting how we live our lives today. Sometimes these bad events are seemingly small, such as getting bitten by a dog, being embarrassed by your third grade teacher in front of your class, or your brother being mean to you. And some of them are huge, such as having a parent die, being in a serious car crash, or losing your home to a natural disaster. But both types of events can still effect us in small and large ways. They can make us afraid of dogs, terrified of public speaking, or distrust those around us. Or they can make relationships difficult, give us a fear of driving in cars at night, or make us afraid to buy our own home. 

What if we could erase the effect of these events? Would our view of the world be different? Would we be happier? The answer, as I have seen over and over again with clients, is a resounding YES! By resolving and releasing these memories, our life opens up in new exciting ways.

EFT is part of the field of energy psychology, which includes Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT),Thought Field Therapy (TFT),Tapas Acupressure Technique (TAT), EDXTM, Comprehensive Energy Psychology, and Matrix Energetics, Other healing modalities that work on the energy systems of the body to release emotional blocks are Brain Gym, Touch for Health, EMDR and Brainspotting.

I am a peer councilor trained through EFT Universe. I practice Clinical EFT, which is comprised of specific techniques which have been proven to work. It is being used in many clinical trials and scientific studies with resounding success. Recently the American Medical Association has approved Clinical EFT as an evidence-based modality that works on Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and other serious psychological disorders. For more information on the science behind EFT/Tapping, visit:


Disclaimer: I am NOT a licensed health care provider, counselor, or psychotherapist. I do not diagnose or treat illness, disease, or psychological problems. Energy Healing, including Emotional Freedom Technique and Reiki, is not a substitute for any medical advice or treatment. If you are concerned about your symptoms, please consult a licensed health care provider for any medical or psychological issues you may have. The information in this website is educational in nature and is not intended as medical, psychological, coaching or professional advice of any kind.


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