Tapping into Peace

Alternative Healing For Your Life

Useful Links

Here are some useful links for your healing journey:

EFT Universe: I am certified through EFT Universe’s rigorous certification program.
EFT Universe has an archive of case studies and articles about EFT on almost every subject you could imagine. EFT Universe publishes a series of books on how to use EFT on different problems, which are very useful and inclusive. EFT Universe has sponsored double blind studies on the health benefits of EFT and has a link to all other medical and scientific studies on EFT that have been published worldwide

The Tapping Solution: The Tapping Solution holds the annual "Tapping Summit", which features ten days of online audio seminars on the many different applications of EFT. They also have a non-profit branch that is helping heal survivors of the Newtown, CT school shootings, as well as fundraising for EFT practitioner in various conflict ridden areas of the world. They publish seminars, books, and created the movie length documentary called "The Tapping Solution."

Gary Craig and Emofree.com: Gary Craig is my hero. He created the tapping sequence that we use today, and put it online for free about 20 years ago. This has resulted in an explosion of creativity and experimentation on the uses of EFT, and has allowed for immense healing on a global level. Unlike EMDR, a technique with similar results that is held tightly within the mental health community, EFT has always been, and always will be, at the tips of our fingers, ready to use when we need it. He now offers his own certification program, "The Gold Standard".

Association of Comprehensive Energy Psychology (ACEP): ACEP is focused on getting more mental health professionals to train and certify in Energy Psychology, a group of modalities that work to release trauma from the human system. This includes EFT, TATT, EMDR, NLP, Matrix Re-Imprinting, among others. It is estimated that if talk therapy included an Energy Psychology modality, it would reduce the number of years in therapy from the average of ten years to less than three. They hold yearly conferences and are the professional advocate member organization for Energy Psychology professionals.

Hypnosis and NLP: I recommend the self-hypnosis tapes created by Barrie Konicov, in particular the self confidence recording. I find that these recordings can lift a person out of a depressive slump easily and quickly, as well as re-work our inner self-talk from a negative barrage to positive re-affirmations easily and effortlessly. It is the negative self-talk that leads us into depression, and often we are completely unaware of this process because it is often takes place in our subconscious.

For finding a hypnotherapist, and an NLP practitioner, try the directory at Hypnosis Motivational Institute, HMI. This is a reputable school for hypnosis and Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP).

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